Flötenmusik 1 Barock

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EAN: 9790201803685
SKU: HN368
Category: ,


When it comes to flute music of the Baroque era, the works of Bach and Handel are unsurpassed in musical stature as well as in recognition and popularity, and thus it is easy to overlook the fact that many other composers of that same period also wrote attractive music for the instrument. As an example, consider the introductory slow movement of Johann Christian Schickhard’s Sonata in a minor, where over a descending chaconne bass the flute interweaves a rich variety of melodic phrases. This is just one of the musical surprises to be discovered in this multifaceted volume.

Additional information

Weight 556 g

G. Henle Verlag


Flute, Piano

Product Type

Book [Softcover]



Year of Publication




Edition Number

HN 368


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