Kleine Präludien und Fughetten


Little Preludes, Fugues

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EAN: 9790201811062
SKU: HN1106


This edition with over 50 pages contains the universally known selection of easy preludes and little fugues that has proved extremely successful in teaching the piano. Bach’s sons, with Wilhelm Friedemann and Carl Philip Emanuel leading the way, were already able to learn them. If you make your way through these pieces (which gradually become more challenging), you can make great progress on the piano,and what is more these 300-year-old compositions are still able to work their musical magic. Those who are technically more advanced should still occasionally sight read through them- you will then immediately see that they are real gems. Incidentally,all of Bach’s piano works areavailable from Henle both with and without fingerings.

Additional information

Weight 244 g

Johann Sebastian Bach


G. Henle Verlag



Product Type

Book [Softcover]


Henle Urtext Editions



Year of Publication




Edition Number

HN 1106


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