Englische Suiten BWV 806-811


English Suites BWV 806-811

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EAN: 9790201801018
SKU: HN101


Although people might like to think that the “English Suites” were composed after the “French Suites” (HN 71), “the temperamental and in part virtuoso flow of these Suites is more characteristic of the musical language of the young Bach” (from our preface). The kaleidoscopic variety of the six “English” Suites is breathtaking. One lifetime is not enough to exhaustively comprehend and penetrate them. We provide the sustainable musical basis for this,in different formats: the complete paperbound volume (HN 100),clothbound (HN 101),divided into Nos. 1 3 (HN 102) and Nos. 4 6 (HN 103) and last but not least in a very good value study edition with the identical musical text (HN9100).

Additional information

Weight 708 g

Johann Sebastian Bach


G. Henle Verlag



Product Type

Book [Softcover]





Edition Number

HN 101


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