Goldberg Variations BWV 988


Goldberg Variations BWV 988

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EAN: 9790201801599
SKU: HN159


The “Goldberg” Variations are without a doubt the most important piano cycle of the 18th century. Only Beethoven’s “Diabelli” Variations from the 19th century can be compared to them as far their far-reaching significance is concerned. Bach’s ownmanuscript might not have survived,but the corrected first printing of the “Aria mit verschiedenen Veraenderungen vors Clavicimbal mit 2 Manualen” (thus the title) has done so. This first edition serves as the primary source for our edition -furthermore the musical text was compared to other sources as, for example,with Bach’s own record of the “Aria” (not yet referred to as such) in the little notebook for Anna Magdalena .

Additional information

Weight 236 g

Johann Sebastian Bach


G. Henle Verlag



Product Type

Book [Softcover]


Henle Urtext Editions





Edition Number

HN 159


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