Klavierquartett a-moll


Piano Quartet a minor

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EAN: 9790201812281
SKU: HN1228


The name Mahler is so closely associated with the symphony and Lied genres that it is little known how intensively he applied himself to chamber music during his studies. Of his numerous attempts in this field only one piano quartet composed between1876 and 1878 has survived and of this merely the first movement in its entirety. The latter was only rediscovered in the 1960s and first published in 1973. Even if Brahms is unmistakably his model, the quartet movement contains enough individualand also unconventional elements such as the almost symphonic treatment of the piano for us to incorporate it into our Urtext ranks. In addition, we have included an appendix “for study purposes” with Mahler’s fragmentary sketch for a furthermovement,a scherzo for the same instrumentation.

Additional information

Weight 218 g

Gustav Mahler


G. Henle Verlag


Chamber Ensemble

Product Type

Book [Softcover]


Henle Urtext Editions



Year of Publication




Edition Number

HN 1228


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